The current goal for publishing the Seven of Swords is October 2025. There is still a lot to be done. I’m back in draft one. It was much further along as a story but it was set in Northern California and didn’t feel right. And then, I also had to acknowledge that my characters were not queer enough. The original series had queer side characters, but the main characters were mostly straight, and they didn’t feel true to who they were supposed to be. So, I started completely over and the whole thing is going much better; I can’t wait to have my first round of test readers and editors read it and give me feedback.
I want to use this site to keep everyone updated and hopefully draw readers who would enjoy reading my content.
One of the things that I want to keep from the original concept is highlighting and featuring local landmarks and businesses. I’m a big believer in building community and supporting local businesses and it's also fun to read a story and go “oh! I know that place!” And maybe it will help folks who have never visited to see what the Twin Cities has to offer. It’s also been a lot of fun to explore and get to know Minnesota better.
If you have suggestions of places to visit or business that you’d like to see featured, feel free to comment below. Also, feel free to ask questions and let me know what other things you would like to know. I’ll see what I can share without spoilers 🙂